limewire sucks because it crashed my hardrive so i want to know if will do the same thing....
Has bearshare given anyone viruses or crashed hardrives????virus protection
Whether it is bearshare, limewire, morpheus...etc. All of them have the chance of crashing your hardrive, because every single one of those programs you are downloading from other peoples computer who could potentially have a malacious virus. So no one is really better than the other.
Has bearshare given anyone viruses or crashed hardrives????agv
I haven't had any problems with bearshare. But still you should scan a file for viruses before you open it. But I've never found one. Get it has no bundled adware and is still free.
I ran bearshare for a while and my pc started having all kinds of problems, mostly because Bearshare installs all kinds of ''spyware'' and other ugly stuff on your pc. I wouldn't recommend it.
it's as possible as Limewire.
use system restore, back up your stuff, get anti-virus and spyreware/adware detection and zone alarm
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