Monday, August 16, 2010

Can a cd transfer viruses from 1 pc to another?

No actual Retail CD would ever contain a virus, and swapping CD-R's between an infected computer and uninfected wont do anything.

If you wanted to burn a virus to a CD, of course you could, but that's the only way a CD could carry a computer virus.

Can a cd transfer viruses from 1 pc to another?virus

depending on the files that it contains yes.

Can a cd transfer viruses from 1 pc to another?anti virus

of course you dufus. even bluetooth can do that. or infrared. or even your ipod through usb dammit!
Sure I have even heard of virus on cds that were for sale at retail stores and that were packaged and everything.
Yes, if the virus is on the CD and it is installed on the other PC somehow.

they have an anti virus it free and i you need is to update it about ever few days from the net which will tell you if you have a virus or not.
Well, if you are asking if you put a CD in an infected computer, then place it in a clean computer NO, no, no
of course
If someone burned that CD with a virus, when you load it, yes. A CD will not pick up a virus from one machine and transfer it to another like the old days with floppies.

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